Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Ultra-thin Porcelain Dental Veneers, Best Hollywood Smile. Style Dental and Beauty Clinic Dr Emile Medawar, Cosmetic Dentist, Dental Implants Surgeon, Oral Surgery Specialist. Hollywood Smile, Porcelain Veneers, E-Max Veneers, Direct Veneers, Dental Implants, Gummy smile, Botox, Dermal Filers, Radio Frequency, PRP, Lip Fillers, Facial Injection. 00 961 3 379355

Digital Veneers:
3D Digital Ultra-thin Porcelain Dental Veneers. Hollywood Smile done without drilling the Teeth and without pain. Beirut, Lebanon, 00 961 3 379355
Lebanon, Beirut- Sin el Fil-Horsh Tabet, main road facing Hilton Hotel /Le Mall/, next to Home Center, Formula building, 4th floor, Tel:00 961 3 379355
Prismatic Veneers
Prismatic Porcelain custom handmade Veneers. The Hollywood Smile is done to fit so naturally and meet the highest expectations. Beirut Lebanon, 00 961 3 379355
Lebanon, Beirut- Sin el Fil-Horsh Tabet, main road facing Hilton Hotel /Le Mall/, next to Home Center, Formula building, 4th floor, 00 961 3 379355
E-max Veneers:
Ultra-strong, Beautiful E-max Veneers.  Beirut Lebanon, 00 961 3 379355
Lebanon, Beirut- Sin el Fil-Horsh Tabet, main road  facing Hilton Hotel /Le Mall/, next to Home Center, Formula building, 4th floor, 00 961 3 379355
Direct Veneers:
Directly morphed to the front teeth, Composite veneers will change the shape and the color of the teeth. Beirut Lebanon, 00 961 3 379355
Lebanon, Beirut- Sin el Fil-Horsh Tabet, main road  facing Hilton Hotel /Le Mall/, next to Home Center, Formula building, 4th floor, Tel:00 961 3 379355
Zirconium Hollywood Smile:
Great fitting, Amazing Cad Cam Zirconium technology. Beirut Lebanon, 00961 3 379355
Lebanon, Beirut- Sin el Fil-Horsh Tabet, main road facing Hilton Hotel /Le Mall/, next to Home Center, Formula building, 4th floor, 00 961 3 379355